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App Connect Enterprise (ACE) v11 - Creating Integration Server w/o Integration Node

Updated: Jan 6, 2020

Aligning the product IBM Integration Product for container-based deployment, in App Connect Enterprise (ACE) v11, IBM has introduced the feature of flexible administrative control over integration servers and resources as opposed to its predecessors. In the earlier versions, referred to as IBM Integration Bus (IIB) till v10, Integration Node was the central point of administrative control over set of owned Integration Servers. What this means is, that now in ACE v11, one can create Integration Server independently w/o Integration Node at all.

In this article, I will be illustrating the process of creating an integration server in ACE v11 w/o an integration node.


Creating Independent Integration Server

  • On Windows open IBM App Connect Enterprise Console from start menu or on linux open the shell window / terminal

  • Execute the command mqsicreateworkdir as shown below to create a working directory for our new integration server

mqsicreateworkdir <Int. Server work directory path>

e.g. mqsicreateworkdir /ace/intservers/is1

  • The command creates the working directory path and creates requisite folders for the purpose of integration server and the configuration file server.conf.yaml, as shown below

  • Edit the server.conf.yaml file (using any editor) created in the integration server's working directory to configure certain properties of Integration Server like the REST Admin port (referred as Web Admin Port in earlier version) and the host name of the server, by uncommenting the required property and configuring as shown below

  • Save the server.conf.yaml file

  • Now that we have configured the basic properties for the integration server, we can now start the integration server. To start the integration server, execute the command IntegrationServer as shown below in App Connect Enterprise Console (on Windows) or terminal shell window (on Linux)

IntegrationServer --name <Int Server Name> --work-dir <Working directory of Int Server>

e.g. Integration Server --name is1 --work-dir /ace/intservers/is1

  • Output of our command execution will be shown as below

  • We can now access the Integration Server using Web GUI using the url, http://<int-server-host-name>:<rest-admin-port>

In this article, we have seen how to create, start and access web gui of an independent integration server in ACE v11, a feature that has been introduced in this version. Configurations of the components are also been done using the provided yaml (server.conf.yaml) as shown above, thereby enabling easier containerization of integration servers.

Staty tuned for subsequent posts that will be focussing on securing the Integration Servers using various approaches like LDAP, SSL etc both from administrative & solution perspective.

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